Meeting on the Columbia River EIS

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and Bonneville Power Administration are about to hold an update session on developing the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Columbia River System Operations.

The three agencies are developing the EIS on the Columbia River System operations and configurations for 14 federal projects in the interior Columbia Basin.

During the session, which will be held Thursday, December 7, at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, the participants will have chance to:

  • Discuss the results of public scoping and how this information is used in the EIS process to develop alternatives for long-term system operation, maintenance and configuration;
  • Learn how alternatives are developed and progress to date;
  • Discuss the work for the coming year, including finalizing alternatives and analysis of environmental impacts;
  • Learn about current operation, maintenance and configuration of the Columbia River System.

In this Columbia River System Operations EIS, the three agencies will present a reasonable range of alternatives for long-term system operations and evaluate the potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts on flood risk management, irrigation, power generation, navigation, fish and wildlife, cultural resources and recreation.