Additional Funds for the Saguenay Terminal Project

Business & Finance

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has allocated an additional funds to assist participation in the environmental assessment of the proposed Marine Terminal Project on the North Shore of the Saguenay, Québec.

The funding – awarded to the Conseil de la Nation huronne-wendat – was made available through the Agency’s Participant Funding Program and will assist the participation of the public and Indigenous Peoples in various steps of the environmental assessment.

These steps include reviewing and providing comments on the Environmental Impact Statement or on the summary thereof, the draft Environmental Assessment Report, and the potential environmental assessment conditions.

The proposed Saguenay Port Authority calls for the construction and operation of a new multi-user marine terminal to service the north shore of the Saguenay River at the municipality of Sainte-Rose-du-Nord, located approximately 45 kilometers from the city of Saguenay.

The project involves the building of a wharf, a ship loader, silos, concentrate handling facilities and related buildings. An access road to the wharf 1 to 1.5 kilometer in length will also have to be built.