Comments Sought on Tacoma Harbor Deepening Project

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, has issued notice of plans to prepare, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, an environmental assessment (EA) for the Tacoma Harbor, Washington, Navigation Improvement Project.

The Corps will analyze alternatives for navigation improvements to the Blair Waterway of Tacoma Harbor, including potential deepening and widening of the waterway.

According to USACE, the initial alternatives include deepening the Blair Waterway from -51 feet to up to -58 feet MLLW, and widening the existing authorized channel (330 to 520 feet wide) to better accommodate larger vessels already calling at Tacoma Harbor, such as the post-Panamax Generation 4.

The purpose of this Public Notice is to solicit comments from interested persons, groups and agencies on the environmental impact of the proposal and issues for consideration in the EA.

Deadline for sending written comments is February 21, 2019.