Louisiana Coastal Area Document Available for Comment

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, yesterday released a Draft Environmental Assessment titled “Louisiana Coastal Area (LCA) Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Program, Barataria Bay Waterway at Jefferson Parish, Louisiana”.

This environmental assessment covers a proposal to place fill material in the narrow corridor of wetlands that separate Bayou Perot and Bayou Rigolettes in Jefferson Parish.

According to the Corps, the purpose of the proposal is to maximize the beneficial use of dredged material from the Barataria Waterway in Jefferson Parish by creating approximately 75 acres of fresh-intermediate marsh in Jefferson Parish.

The plan calls for approximately 340 acres of the Mississippi River upstream of the project site near mile markers 50 and 51 to be dredged, providing borrow material for the Coleman brackish marsh project.

The 45-day public review for the environmental assessment will begin on February 7, 2019 and ends on March 9, 2019.