CHC: Red Funnel Works in Full Swing

Business & Finance

Cowes Harbor Commission (CHC) has issued dredging and works licences to Red Funnel granting permission for construction operations to commence on the new Red Funnel lay-by berth at East Cowes.

This follows the relevant approvals having been accorded to Red Funnel by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the Crown Estate.

According to CHC, the construction works for the lay-by berth started in late January and will take place mainly during daylight hours.

The officials also added that there will be some dredging carried out in conjunction with this project.

The operations required for the construction of the new Red Funnel lay-by berth are to be carried out mainly during daylight hours by the work vessels ‘Forth Atlas’ and ‘Haven Seariser 2’, and they will maintain a listening watch on VHF 69 when in operation,” CHC reported.

CHC concluded that all mariners should keep well clear of the dredging and construction area, where practicable, and in all cases navigate with caution when passing this area.