Mapping Water Quality with Drones

Business & Finance

International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) recently released a new article titled ‘Mapping water quality with drones – test case in Texel‘.

Image source: IADC

To demonstrate drone technology for water quality monitoring, a pilot test case was organized at the Prins Hendrikzanddijk project in Texel, the Netherlands.

Jan De Nul was working on creating a new dune area seaward of the existing dyke. The dune takes over the coastal protection function of the existing dyke and combines it with nature development, public services and recreational appeal.

Although drone mapping over land is becoming more and more common practice (e.g. Ishida et al, 2018; Han et al, 2017), their use for water applications is lagging behind. The additional challenges faced when looking at water surfaces are certainly not an asset in this regard.

Authors: Els Knaeps (VITO) | Robrecht Moelans (VITO) | Liesbeth De Keukelaere (VITO) | Gert Strackx (VITO) | Emile Lemey (Jan De Nul Group)