Jenkins Marine to Dredge Trafalgar Wharf Approaches

Business & Finance

A routine maintenance dredging project is about to begin within the Trafalgar Wharf Approaches, informs the Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth.

Image source: Jenkins

The dredging of the Trafalgar Wharf Approaches will be conducted by Jenkins Marine Ltd, commencing on the 19 May 2020.

As reported, the vessel conducting this task is the spud legged backhoe dredger “Doreen Dorward” which will display the appropriate signals from the COLREGS when conducting their operations.

Spoil from the dredging vessel will be loaded into one of two self-propelled barges, “Nab” or “Needles” for disposal to the NAB Spoil Ground.

The completion of dredging works is set for early June 2020.