DCN ready for Enguri Dam dredging project

Project & Tenders

DCN Diving of Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands, has successfully completed first phase of the mobilisation for the Enguri Dam Dredging Project in Georgia.


According to the company, DCN team has developed a purpose-built dredger for this project.

The comapany, contracted by Engurhesi Ltd, will use this dredger to remove planned 300,000 cubic meters of sediment at 200+ meters of water-depth at Enguri Dam.

Overall, the project includes dredging along the upstream face of the dam to clear the bottom outlets by dredging of the material and relocating it underwater to another outlet for flushing.

The project will complete rehabilitation and modernisation of the Enguri HPP having one of the world’s highest and unique 271.5 m height Arch Dam.