Using dredged sediment for manufacturing bricks

The Maryland Board of Public Works approved a contract to Belden-Eco Products LLC to study the feasibility of using dredged sediment from Port of Baltimore shipping channels for manufacturing bricks and pavers.

Port of Baltimore

“The innovative reuse of dredged material as recycled ceramic bricks and permeable pavers could be beneficial to Chesapeake Bay stormwater management solutions and also recover capacity and extend the lifespan of sediment containment facilities like Cox Creek in Baltimore,” said Port of Baltimore in their latest announcement.

The MDOT MPA is a nationally-renowned leader in the beneficial reuse of dredged material.

The federal government and many states recognize that some dredged material is a valuable resource, rather than a waste or byproduct that must be disposed of in a landfill or disposal facility.

There is growing recognition that this material can often be put to beneficial use or innovative reuse rather than discarded, and that certain uses of this material can be fully protective of public health and the environment, as well as being economically beneficial.