Gothenburg: Using DOP200 to empty barges

Business development

At present, a mayor port expansion project is undertaken at the Swedish Port of Gothenburg. The expansion will result in an additional 220.000 m2 of terminal surface and 460 m more quay length.

The project has been divided in various stages: a Damen DOP200 has proven its worth in the later stages of phase 1.

The project has started creating a secluded area in Arendal Bay, securing the outline of the expansion.

Now, the site has to be filled. To do this, 350.000 m3 of soil will be dredged from the local river, “Göta Älv”.

Part of these sediments, some 175.000 m3, have been contaminated over the years by for instance anti-fouling paints.

The dredging project has two gains: the river is cleaned removing the contaminated soils, and these sediments are re-used to fill the expansion site.

The DOP200 is used to empty these barges at the highest possible mixture concentration. The DOP dredge pump will, when required, use some water on its suction head to create a sufficiently fluid slurry mixture to be able to pump it.

The DOP200 is powered by a Damen powerpack, type PP400.