O’Donovan announces funding approval for Leenaun project


Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works, Mr. Patrick O’Donovan, T.D., has announced the approval of Galway County Council’s application under the Office of Public Works’ Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme.

Patrick O’Donovan Twitter

Under the scheme, the Office of Public Works (OPW) has approved funding of €198,000 for the construction of flood defence walls in Leenaun Village.

Commenting the latest news, Minister O’Donovan said: “I am delighted to announce that the OPW will provide funding to Galway County Council in support of their coastal project application for Leenaun.”

“I know the issues caused by flooding only too well and I hope that these mitigation works will provide the local community in that area protection and peace of mind in future.”

Patrick O’Donovan Twitter

The village on Killary Fjord has been flooded on multiple occasions in recent years. A dramatic incident in 2007 saw the century old bridge over Lahill river swept away following torrential rain.