New sand arrives onto Babe’s Beach in Galveston

Work is underway at Babe’s Beach in Galveston, TX, to place up to 950,000 cubic yards of beach quality sand on this section of the beachfront.

Park Board of Trustees

State and local funding have provided $12 million to nourish and extend Babe’s Beach at no additional cost to residents.

The project started west of 61st Street, heading west.

Park Board of Trustees photo

According to the Galveston Park Board of Trustees, “the dredging ship dredges in certain reaches of the Houston-Galveston ship channel, sails to the ocean pipe, and hooks up to the pipe. Finally, the dredge ship pumps the dredged sand to the designated beach and heavy equipment moves the material to match the engineered design documents. This process repeats until the USACE completes its dredging.”

This project will take four months to complete.