NWC’s 2021 Annual Meeting in September

Outlook & strategy

National Waterways Conference (NWC) is moving forward with their 2021 Annual Meeting on September 22-24, 2021 in Baltimore (Inner Harbor), Maryland.


NWC is the only national organization that represents all of the entities that interface with the Army Corps including state and local governments, waterways shippers, carriers, farmers, flood control organizations, levee boards, port authorities, industry and regional associations, dredging contractors, water supply districts, hydropower producers, engineering consultants and more.

The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to create and strengthen connections, not only with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other federal agencies, but with each other.

Confirmed programming for NWC’s 2021 Annual Meeting includes the following sessions and speakers:

  • The future of water resources in the nation (featured speaker: Al Lee, Director of Civil Works, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers);
  • The latest on Risk Rating 2.0 (featured speaker: David Maurstad, Deputy Associate Administrator, Federal Insurance and Mitigation, National Flood Insurance Program, Federal Emergency Management Agency;
  • How will federal climate/environmental justice policies impact water resource infrastructure (featured speaker: Ms. Robyn Colosimo, Director of Policy and Legislation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers);
  • Highlighting challenges, opportunities and best practices in the navigation world (Featured speakers: Tiffany Burroughs, Chief of Navigation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Tracy Zea, President and CEO, Waterways Council, Inc.; Richard Balzano, The Dredging Contractors of America).

The 2021 NWC Annual Meeting will be held at the Hilton Baltimore (Inner Harbor), which is located at 401 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland.