Online course Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure for the Americas

Business development

The International Association of Dredging Companies announced yesterday that the next edition of their online course ‘Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure’ will be held in March 2022 for professionals in Central & Latin America, Canada and the USA region.


Following on from the success of the previous online courses Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure, CEDA and IADC have decided to organise another one on 9, 10, 16 & 17 March 2022.

As reported, they will organise this course especially for participants from Central and Latin America, Canada and the USA.

During the course, participants will learn how to achieve dredging projects that fulfil primary functional requirements while adding value to the natural and socio-economic system.

By understanding these systems both in the context of dredging as well as stakeholder engagement, throughout a project’s development.

Registration for the course is now open and can be done by visiting: