Lake County NuRF facility opts for Mud Cat 50E units


The Lake County Nutrient Reduction Facility (NuRF) located on the Apopka-Beauclair Canal south of the Lake Beauclair, Florida, has taken delivery of two brand-new custom-built Mud Cat MC 50E dredges from Ellicott Dredge Technologies, LLC.

Mud Cat

The dredges were purchased through open tender to replace the original units built by another U.S. supplier in 2008.

The new dredges will systematically remove phosphorus and nitrogen from the waterway using two offline flocculation settling ponds. The water is then returned to its original path in its new nutrient reduced form reducing algae blooms downstream.

Lake County’s NuRF facility is the largest of its kind in the world for treatment of stormwater. The two 9-acre settling ponds capture the inflow from the canal after alum is added to create a floc. The floc then settles in the bottom of the ponds capturing the phosphorous and nitrogen rich materials and allowing the clean water to flow back downstream.

The two Mud Cat MC 50E units are fully automated and use Mud Cat’s proprietary automated technologies including the following:

  • Auto SenseTM: The dredge finishes its cut and then automatically returns to the start position to prepare for the next deeper cut or move laterally to the next cut, depending on the system program.
  • Lateral SenseTM: The dredge automatically moves to its next parallel cut as programmed.
  • Solids SenseTM: The density meter monitors slurry solids density and reacts to composition changes by accelerating or decelerating the traverse winch speed.
  • Bottom SenseTM: When the horizontal auger cutterhead reaches the bottom layer a sensor raises the cutter to a level which will not disturb a liner or bottom layer.

The Mud Cat 50E units are operating infinitely in separate lagoons down to a maximum dredging depth of 18 ft. (5.5m).

The cutterhead excavates an alum floc from the bottom of the lagoons consisting of sedimentary silts, clays, decaying biologicals, and fine sand.

The total dynamic head requirement for each pump system to reach the centrifuge dewatering stage is 145 ft. (44m) at 900gpm (56.8 lps). The slurry is pumped a maximum distance of 1,900 ft. (579.3m) with 25 ft. (7.6m) terminal elevation.