Remu Big Float E22 proves success in Lithuania


Remu Oy’s Big Float E22 with Hyundai 220 is currently busy working on a very important restoration project in Lithuania.


The Nemunas River and the Curonian Lagoon from Kaunas to Klaipeda in Lithuania form an inland waterway of international importance E41 – part of the Trans-European Transport Network.

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The Nemunas’ navigation is limited novadays due to silt and litter accumulation along the channel.

Sedimentation occurs due to poor technical condition of the special hydraulic engineering structures – buns (dumbs), built along the river.

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To reduce the sedimentation of the navigation channel, it is necessary to renovate the existing buns and, if necessary, install new ones.

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Restoration works and building of new buns are being carried out using Big Float amphibious excavators, manufactured by Remu Oy.

Upon completion, the modernized buns will form a straighter waterway, which will be naturally deepened by the narrowed current flow, and part of the sediments will settle in between the buns.