Cottrell bags Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) dredging contract

Project & Tenders

Cottrell Contracting, Inc. recently won a multi-million contract from the Army Corps to perform maintenance dredging of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, North Carolina.

USACE photo/Patrick Bloodgood

The project, also known as the North Contract, includes maintenance dredging of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) North channel between Wilmington and Morehead City.

According to the Corps, the work will consist of removal of shoaled material that has accumulated in the waterway since the various areas were last dredged.

By using one of their cutter suction dredges, the contractor will remove around 400,000 cubic yards of sediment from the AIWW to reach the dredging depth of 12’ plus 2’ of allowable overdepth.

USACE also added that the material removed during the dredging operation will be placed on approved ocean beaches and disposal islands.

While there is no environmental dredging window for the AIWW channels, the window for placement of dredged material on ocean beaches in North Carolina varies from 16 November to 31 March or from 16 November to 30 April – depending on the beach disposal area location.