TSHD Sospan Dau once again working in Portsmouth

Operations & Maintenance

The King’s Harbour Master Portsmouth has just announced that next week Boskalis Westminster Ltd will be conducting surveying operations and maintenance dredging in the harbour.

Shoreham Port

According to the notice, the dredging works within Portsmouth Harbour and its approach channels will take place from 11 to 16 October 2022.

The two areas within the harbour that this campaign will focus on are the berth pockets at Bedenham Pier and the harbour entrance.

For the works, the contractor will be using the “plough” vessel “F48” (LOA 14.7m) and trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) “SOSPAN DAU” (LOA 71.1m).

KHM added that during these works the “F48” will also be carrying out all necessary survey operations. Both vessels will display the appropriate signals when conducting survey and dredging operations.