Van Oord’s dredger Athena ready for the River Tees scheme


PD Ports Teesport has announced that starting at the end of January capital dredging works will be carried out in three different areas within the port limits.

Karl Dent/SMS Towage

The works are part of the wider South Bank Project, which will see the creation of a new £107 million heavy-lift quay.

According to the PD Teesport, the capital dredging is taking place in three areas of the River Tees: the Turning Circle, Berth Pocket and the River Channel.

Van Oord’s cutter suction dredger Athena has already arrived into PD Ports and is ready to commence dredging operations. She will dredge around 800,000m³ of material from the River Tees and dispose at an approved location at sea.

This is the second phase of dredging works, the first which kicked off last September was wrapped up on November 9.