Ukraine completes dredging on Bystroe River Danube


Ukraine has completed dredging operations at the mouth of the Bystroe River Danube.

Ministry of Restoration

This project has brought the section of the waterway from the 0th kilometer to the 77th kilometer to 6.5 meter depth.

According to their Ministry of Restoration, the section from the 77th kilometer to the 116th kilometer has already a passing draft of 7 meters.

“This is the first time we have been able to increase the allowable draught of vessels under independent Ukraine. Thanks to this we will be able to provide more efficient and safe navigation between the Black Sea and the Danube River, as well as increase the cargo flow through the Danube ports,” said the Deputy Prime Minister – Head of the Ministry of Reconstruction, Alexander Kubrakov.

the Ministry of Restoration photo

He added that, since March 2022, transshipment of cargo in the ports of Izmail, Reni and Ust-Dunaisk increased by three times.

In general, more than 17 million tons of products, including more than 11 million tons of food products were exported from the ports.

According to the department, an increase in the draft to the specified level became possible thanks to the elimination of the consequences of drift, the removal of sediment from the soil, the elimination of rollovers and the restoration of passport characteristics within the water areas of sea ports of Ukraine.