Channel Islands dredging project complete

Operations & Maintenance

Manson Construction Co. has wrapped up dredging operations at the Channel Islands Harbor in California.

Channel Islands Harbor

As reported, dredging at the Harbor was completed this week and crews are now demobilizing equipment after which they will head to Ventura Harbor.

Fishing activities inside the break wall will continue to be closed for the next month until all dredging pipes are removed, Channel islands Harbor officials said yesterday.

In this dredging cycle more than 2.4 million cubic yards of sand were moved from the Harbor entrance.

Material dredged from the entrance was pumped across the harbor, down Silver Strand Beach and deposited a mile away, just to the south of the Port of Hueneme. Placement of beach-quality material on the beach provides shoreline protection and is a benefit of the project.

The Army Corps typically dredges Channel islands Harbor every two years, and has done so for decades under legislation that authorized the small craft harbor and sand trap to be built in the early 1960s.