Huizenga helps secure dredging funds for St. Joseph Harbor


Michigan Congressman Bill Huizenga announced recently that his office helped secure just over $1,000,000 in critical funding from the Army Corps of Engineers to ensure the St. Joseph inner harbor will be properly dredged.

Carrie Fox, USACE

The Army Corps of Engineers will also be providing an additional $560,000 for repair work to be done on the north pier of the harbor.

USACE publicly released their updated FY2023 operations and maintenance work plan last week.

“St. Joseph Harbor is a source of significant economic activity for Southwest Michigan,” said Congressman Bill Huizenga. 

“This funding will help ensure that St. Joseph Harbor is properly dredged which will allow critical projects, including scheduled work on I-94, to be completed as well as support the Lakeshore’s vibrant small business economy during tourist season.”

Congressman Huizenga has been a bipartisan leader in holding the federal government accountable to lakeshore communities for its promises regarding harbor dredging.

Huizenga has also been a leader in the bipartisan effort to fully restore the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund.

In 2020, Huizenga helped increase the percentage of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund dollars that go to the Great Lakes.

The funding for the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund is paid by shippers utilizing ports on the Great Lakes and along our nation’s coasts.