Dredging work on LSU Lakes project about to begin

Business development

Activity is picking up around the LSU lakes and dredging will soon begin to start the clean-up process, WBRZ 2 reports.

WBRZ 2 photo

Construction equipment is already staged near the University Lake and phase one of the project will start in mid-August.

University Lake project partners got the go-ahead last month to finally start restoring the lakes. The first phase of the project will include dredging City Park and Erie Lakes.

Commenting the latest news, Senator Franklin Foil said: “It’s taken a while to get the permits from the Corps of Engineers, but we’ll start seeing activity within the next few weeks.”

“Phase one, we’re going to do a bridge between Main Street and East Lake Shore off of Dalrymple and it’s gonna allow people to be able to use both City Park Lake and University Lake when they’re in a boat and they go back and forth.”

Phase one costs about $32 million and phase two is an additional $20 million. If everything stays on track, the Lakes Project should be completed in 2025.