Big coastal restoration projects on the way in Louisiana

Coastal Protection

The Louisiana Wildlife Federation haws just announced that the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) is accepting feedback on the Draft Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Plan, a 3-year outlook of projected revenues and expenditures, project activities, and implementation schedules.

Photo courtesy of the Restore the Mississippi River Delta

The $1.68 billion annual plan marks the largest investment in Louisiana’s coast in a single year to date. The funds will be applied to the design, engineering, and construction of 121 projects, and ongoing operation, maintenance, and monitoring of an additional 190 completed projects across coastal Louisiana.

FY 2025 Annual Plan By the Numbers:

  • An overwhelming majority (nearly 90%) of funds are dedicated to the construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of coastal projects.
  • 83 of the 121 total active projects will be in the construction phase, accounting for $1.3 billion for construction alone – benefiting over 160,000 acres and building 122 miles of levees.
  • Breakdown of the 121 projects by region include: 16 in Southwest La, 39 in South Central La, and 66 in Southeast La.
  • 17 dredging projects will build nearly 12,000 acres of new land.

Read more about the plan and find out how to leave the comment of support by clicking HERE.