Reinforcing Vlieland dike by Boskalis

Breakwater Repair

The Omringdijk on Vlieland protects the residents of the Dutch Wadden island against the sea.

photo courtesy of Rijkswaterstaat

Currently, this dike does not meet the national water safety requirements. And so extreme storms, expected again from October, could cause rocks to be knocked out of the revetment, creating a hole in the dike.

To prevent this, Boskalis is working on the reinforcement of this dike on Vlieland as part of Rijkswaterstaat’s High Water Protection Program.

This is the largest Dutch dike reinforcement operation since the Delta Works and designed to prevent flooding in the Netherlands.

Once the work is completed, the dike will be able to withstand the sea water – which continues to rise every year and thus poses an increasing threat to the low-lying Netherlands – for the next fifty years.