Boskalis dredgers busy along Dutch coastline


With their trailing suction hopper dredgers (TSHDs) Causeway, Freeway, Shoalway and Strandway, Boskalis carries out year-round replenishment work along the Dutch coastline.

photo courtesy of Boskalis

In recent years, these vessels have been active along numerous beaches of the coastal provinces as well as the Dutch Wadden Islands Ameland and Texel.

“In 2025, we will return with great regularity to reinforce the Dutch coast. In the spring, for example, we will carry out replenishment work off the coast of Domburg in the province of Zeeland, and starting in May, we will be working for several months on an extensive beach and foreshore replenishment in Ameland,” Boskalis said.

In total, the Zeeland coast will be reinforced with more than 1.8 million cubic meters of sand.

For centuries, the low-lying Netherlands is protecting itself against the water. With rising sea levels and more extreme weather conditions, coastal defense is needed more than ever, Boskalis concluded.