HR Wallingford to Support Expansion of DCI Dredging Activities

Business & Finance
Image source: HR Wallingford

HR Wallingford has been awarded a contract to work in partnership with M/S Dredging Solutions to support the expansion of the dredging activities of the Indian Government-owned Dredging Corporation of India (DCI).

Working as Technical and Project Consultants, HR Wallingford will share its expertise in project design, as well as its knowledge and experience in the performance, operation and maintenance of dredgers.

“The collaboration with HR Wallingford will support DCI in its drive to grow its share of the dredging services market in India and around the world. Project work is planned to take place in a number of locations across India, including the Hooghly River in North East India,” the company said in its release.

With its Head Office at Visakhapatnam, in the Bay of Bengal, DCI is involved in maintenance dredging, capital dredging, beach nourishment, land reclamation, shallow water dredging, project management consultancy and marine construction.

In 2014, HR Wallingford worked with Kolkata Port Trust (KOPT) trialling new dredging techniques aimed at improving overall dredging efficiency. HR Wallingford also recently undertaken Project Management Consultancy (PMC) work in Jamnagar, Gujarat, on the west coast.