Reef Relief Opposes Key West Channel Dredging (USA)

Reef Relief Opposes Key West Channel Dredging

Reef Relief, a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to improving and protecting the coral reef ecosystem, has repeatedly stated publicly that they were opposed to anything that would damage the reef or the benthic communities that support it.

The organization has also stated that it is restricted from and cannot take a stand on the referendum on the Army Corps study to widen Cut B.

The Army Corp Study states:

“Environmental Quality (EQ) – Negative

This account displays non-monetary effects on ecological and environmental resources including both the positive and adverse effects of Federal plans. This project is anticipated to have a significant negative effect on environmental quality. Widening the channel would have significant and negative effects on an unspecified amount of coral lightly distributed over approximately 17 acres. The project would also have negative effects on an unspecified amount of critical environmental habitat. Increased cruise traffic, as with an increase in any waterborne commerce, would likely also cause an increase in water pollution and turbidity…”

Based on the Army Corp’s assessment, the organization would vigorously oppose a dredge operation, as it cannot and would not do otherwise.


Press Release, July 31, 2013; Image: responsibletourismkw