Italdraghe Innovative Dredging Bucket (Italy)

Business & Finance

Italdraghe, the Italian dredger builder, has designed a dredging bucket that is ideal for small scale dredging jobs in narrow canals and waterways involving the removal of only a few thousand cubic meters of material.

This bucket can be fitted on to either land-based or floating excavators and features a range of additional quick change tools including water-jet disgregators and a nozzled rake, which also make it suitable for hydro-culture and sea farming applications.

Advantages of this innovative dredging bucket include:

-Specifically designed for small-scale dredging

-Easy to fit onto most hydraulic excavators

-Ideal for dredging narrow waterways and hard-to-access canals

-Suitable for working from both on-land and floating excavators

-Simple, quick-fit installation

-Low-maintenance design

-Driven directly by excavator power source

-Extremely versatile thanks to range of optional features


Source: Italdraghe, June 24, 2010