USA: Town of Falmouth Seeks Corps Permit for Dredging

The Town of Falmouth is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District to conduct work in waters of the United States in conjunction with dredging areas and using material for beach nourishment in Falmouth, Mass.

The Town of Falmouth proposes to dredge a number of areas totaling approximately 418,375 square feet to various depths depending on the specific location in Falmouth. The total volume is approximately 26,600 cubic yards and would be produced over the next 10 years.

The Town of Falmouth proposes to both mechanically dredge and hydraulically dredge this material and use it for beach nourishment projects totaling about 457,185 square feet among various beaches.

Based on a suitability determination the grain size of the dredged material is similar to the substrate found at the nourishment sites. Therefore, the dredged material is determined to be suitable for beach nourishment.

The dredging project will impact approximately 9.6 acres of Essential Fish Habitat for various species and life stages. This habitat consists of sandy subtidal substrate and shoaled areas within boating channels. However, the Corps has made a preliminary determination that the site-specific adverse effect will not be substantial. Further consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding Essential Fish Habitat conservation recommendations is being conducted and will be concluded prior to the final permit decision.


Dredging Today Staff, May 9, 2012;