Australia: Students Learn About WBDDP

Students Learn About WBDDP

Do tides influence turbidity?” was just one question students from Gladstone High School asked this week to Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project (WBDDP) environmental scientist Dr Daniel Spooner.

Dr Spooner’s visit to the school is part of Gladstone Ports Corporation WBDDP schools program where students are taught about water turbidity and metals and what it means within the Gladstone harbour.

Dr Spooner said it is really important for students to learn the facts about the project.

“Students are extremely interested in what is currently going on in the harbour but find it difficult to get the actual facts due to rumor and misconceptions,” Dr Spooner said.

“By visiting the schools and explaining the science behind water turbidity and the natural metals within the harbour students get a better understanding of what is actually happening and can then make informed decisions.”

Gladstone Ports Corporation CEO Leo Zussino said the WBDDP schools program is just one of the many ways GPC remains open and accountable to the community.

It’s really important for students to learn about what is going on in their own backyard,” Mr Zussino said.

“The WBDDP schools program is about students asking questions and for those questions to be answered correctly by the people directly involved with the project.”


Dredging Today Staff, May 31, 2012; Image: westernbasinportdevelopment