IADC: New House Style, New Logo, New Website (The Netherlands)

Business & Finance

New House Style, New Logo, New Website

The dredging industry is constantly progressing: broadening its core activities, daring to take on the challenges of maritime infrastructure development, discovering new technologies…

So too is the IADC, the umbrella organization that represents these innovative contractors. The IADC has a new house style, new logo and a new website.

New logo

The new logo and new colours are a visual translation of IADC’s mission:

– Blue for the enduring connection between dredging and water.

– Green for the industry’s ever-increasing emphasis on environment and sustainability.

These two elements form the basis of the activities, efforts and experience of IADC and its members.

New website

Central to the new house style and its expression of IADC’s renaissance is the new website. It is the key to unlocking the wealth of knowledge assembled by the IADC and its members: More state-of-the-art information made more accessible.

With the introduction of this new website, IADC aims to reach an even wider audience and to generate an even better understanding of the intrinsic value of dredging in our modern society, as well as the industry’s deep concern for sustainability. Maritime projects – be they for land reclamation, trade, energy, coastal defense or tourism – are no longer seen separately from the environment.

IADC contractors are “dredging companies that care”. The new logo and new house style are a testimony to this as they represent the commitment of IADC and its members to considering economy and ecology together, two essential elements of maritime infrastructure solutions for an ever-changing world.


Press Release, September 26, 2012