METS 2012: Superior to Present New Products (Australia)

Business & Finance

Superior to Present New Products

Superior is set to launch its SuperiorWork range of industrial floatation products at METS 2012.

The SuperiorWork range features rotomoulded hose/pipe and cable floats, floating walkways and work platforms, fabricated metal gangways and bridges and floating pump pontoons. The range has been designed for industrial applications such as superyacht and ship exclusion barriers, dredging, mining, flood management, water treatment and aquaculture.

Superior CEO John Hogan said the SuperiorWork range was created to complement heavy-duty floating pump pontoons developed for the mining sector.

We originally designed the floating pump pontoons for a specific need in the mining sector,” Mr Hogan said.

“Following on from that there was a requirement to float hoses, pipes, cables and walkways across industrial waterways to and from the pumps… the SuperiorWork range of products was an intuitive step to support various infrastructural needs.”


The floating components of the SuperiorWork range are made from fully-recyclable, rotomoulded polyethylene. The floating pump pontoons and walkways are extensions of Superior’s experience in commercial marina and pontoon manufacturing and allow workers to safely work on the water.

The hose/pipe float is a multi-use product that features in dredging, mining and flood management. This product has also recently been tasked as an exclusion barrier for superyachts that require a minimum distance defence around the vessel while docked – an application that is widely required for cruise ships and defence vessels when in port.

“The hose floats are very versatile and it’s interesting that our superyacht connections are proving fruitful as it’s a good off-the-shelf product for these boats,” Mr Hogan said.

“We can make them pretty quickly and recently had to supply an emergency order to a flooding mine… they are also used in dredging and are very effective as a floating barrier.”

Suitable for cable, hose and pipe, the floats come with the option of a quick-release strap, eliminating the time-consuming process of bolting the floats together and making operational use more efficient.

Superior’s manufacturing capability includes a state-of-the-art rotomoulding machine, 3D CAD technology, CNC cutting, metal fabrication and an in-house industrial design team that can create custom projects and parts.


Press Release, October 24, 2012