MHF Services Reaches Another Milestone (USA)

Business & Finance

MHF Services Reaches Another Milestone.

MHF, a leading provider of packaging, transportation, logistics and technical services of environmentally sensitive materials, recently announced that it is expanding locations for the transfer of hard and soft-sided packaging from trucks to railcars.

MHF is well known in the hazardous and radioactive material markets for its national network of regulatory-compliant truck-to-rail transload facilities. Generators of hazardous and radioactive material routinely retain MHF to transload bulk solid material into gondola railcars for rail transport to processing and disposal facilities.

However, generators of environmentally sensitive materials not suitable for bulk transload, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs); odiferous, dusty, residual semi-solid material from wastewater treatment; or sludge from dredge operations, also can benefit from rail by packaging their materials in containers for transfer from trucks to rail flatcars.


Press Release, November 2, 2012