The Netherlands: Vosta LMG, ASL Marine Group Agree on Contract Takeover

Business & Finance

Vosta LMG, ASL Marine Group Agree on Contract Takeover

VOSTA LMG has confirmed that a contract about a takeover of VOSTA LMG Group of Companies and CFT International GmbH by a company of ASL Marine Group has been agreed.

VOSTA LMG CEO and Shareholder Mr. R. Dietze and ASL Marine Group Managing Director Mr. K.T. Ang entered into a contract for takeover of 100% of the shares by Leo Dynamische Investering BV, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of of ASL Marine Group. The takeover follows on many successful years of cooperation between VOSTA LMG and ASL Marine Group, which explains the interest of ASL Marine Group in VOSTA LMG’s unique business model.

With 140 years of experience the same business model is also the main reason for the Managing Director of ASL Marine Group to explicitly state the intention of a going concern of business of VOSTA LMG Group and CFT International GmbH.

In the following period VOSTA LMG and ASL Marine Group will take further important steps in finalizing the takeover process and will make an effort to inform its relations about the ongoing process accordingly.


Press Release, November 13, 2012