The Netherlands: Damen Builds Dredger for Verboon Maasland

Business & Finance

Damen Builds Dredger for Verboon Maasland

Contractor Verboon Maasland has ordered at Damen Dredging Equipment the delivery of a new cutter suction dredger. This stationary dredger will be an exact copy of the “Susanna” – delivered in 1981. Excellent proof that satisfied customers always return.

The “Susanna” was built in 1981 by De Groot Nijkerk, as Damen Dredging Equipment then was called. The small cutter suction dredger with its Ø250 mm discharge piping has been used throughout the years in a large variety of small scale dredging projects on Dutch rivers and canals. Contractor Verboon Maasland is that happy with the dredger, that they ordered an exact copy as an addition to their fleet.

The new dredger – yet unnamed but temporarily called “Susanna II” – will be fitted out with a dividable swing ladder with a total length of 18 m, resulting in an impressive swing width of 28 m. The hydraulically driven 30 kW cutter will work at a maximum dredging depth of 6 m. The Damen dredge pump, type BP2525MD will be driven by a CATERPILLAR diesel engine, type C12TA of 254 kW. They are situated in the main pontoon together with the 15 kVA generator set and the hydraulic system.

The modularly built dredger can be transported by road to the following job. Apart from the main pontoon and the dividable ladder, the dredger is composed of 4 side pontoons, 4 spud poles with tilting mechanism and even a dividable control cabin – to keep the maximum height under 1.5m for bridge passages.

The “Susanna II” will be a very efficient dredger as it is equipped with a spud carriage with a 2 m cylinder stroke and its huge swing width. The spuds can be used both on land as well as in water. The dredger is fitted out with a hand operated deck crane for safe hoisting of for instance the dredge pump parts.

Damen Dredging has started building the cutter suction dredger, which will be ready in spring 2013. A special moment, when after 30 years another “Susanna” will be delivered to a loyal customer.


Press Release, November 16, 2012