Russia: FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director Receives Another Award

FSUE Rosmorport General Director Receives Another Award

On December, 21 2012 with the support of the FSUE “Rosmorport”, in the framework of the joint meeting of the Federal Agency of Marine and River Transport Council and the Rosmorrechflot Public Council, the solemn transport sphere awards ceremony “Gold Chariot” took place.

The FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director Andrey Lavrischev became a laureat in nomination “for the contribution in the development of the transport industry”.

The FSUE “Rosmorport”, one of the leading transport enterprizes on Russia, highly appreciates the recognition of the best transport companies achievements and the permanent partner of the award administration.

This ceremony took part in presence of Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia Viktor Olerskiy, the Rosmorrechflot head Alexandr Davydenko, the Mintrans of Russia and Rostransnadzor representatives, heads of the sphere enterpizes and organizations, representatives of public organizations and mass media.


Press Release, December 25, 2012