Lebanon: Port of Beirut in Expansion Mode

Despite the economic slowdown, the Port of Beirut is on a rapid expansion path, reports dailystar.com.

Transportation Minister Ghazi Aridi said that as a new container terminal and quay approached completion, a new expansion is being planned.

During the upcoming few months, expansion works of quay number 16, which is 500 meters long, and a new container terminal, will be completed. The functioning container terminal had been designed for 400,000 to 450,000 containers, but it has managed, thanks to good management, to deal with an excess of 1 million containers a year,” stated Aridi during a tour of the port.

Elie Zakhour, head of the Beirut International Chamber of Navigation, added that the expansion works and new port equipment would become operational by June 2013.


Dredging Today Staff, January 14, 2013