USA: Officials OK Engineering Contract for Fountain Lake Restoration

Business & Finance

Officials OK Engineering Contract for Fountain Lake Restoration

The Shell Rock River Watershed District crossed another key hurdle with the execution of the Phase I Engineering Agreement for the Fountain Lake Restoration Project.

On March 14, 2013, the District confirmed Barr Engineering as the lead engineers in completing a restoration road map for Fountain Lake.

According the Board Chair Clayton Petersen, “This agreement initiates the process of identifying lake restoration objectives for our watershed and Fountain Lake in particular. There is a tremendous amount of data and work product that needs to be compiled to undertake this project. We are excited to have Barr Engineering assisting us with this undertaking.

The Goal of the Phase 1 Engineering is to undertake data gathering and stakeholder, community and permitting agency communications and input to complete a preliminary engineering report that identifies lake restoration objectives including: identifiable water quality, habitat and recreational objectives through dredge prisms; volume and characteristics of dredge material; identification of potential sediment removal volumes, piping and dredge operation and dewatering needs and sites. This process will also include a description of the process of sediment removal (path-forward summary) and a review of long-term management goals of the restored areas.

Brett Behnke, District Administrator added, “This agreement will provide us with important information and documentation to help develop options for lake restoration. We look forward to working with the community and key agency partners in developing a clear restoration vision for this invaluable community resource.


Press Release, March 19, 2013