USA: Corps Proposes Hyannis Harbor Dredging

Corps Proposes Hyannis Harbor Dredging

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is proposing maintenance dredging of the Hyannis Harbor Federal Navigation Project (FNP) in Hyannis, Mass.

The authorized FNP provides for a stone breakwater 1,170 feet long lying about 0.7 miles offshore; dredging to 15.5 feet deep in a protected area behind the breakwater; an entrance channel, 13 feet deep and varying in width from deep water in Nantucket Sound up to the entrance to the inner harbor area; a 13-foot deep and 150-foot wide channel and a 13-foot deep turning basin in the inner harbor area; and a 12-foot deep and 150-foot wide channel adjoining the 13-foot deep entrance channel in the outer harbor area. The FNP also provides for two anchorage areas, 12 feet deep adjacent to the inner harbor turning basin and a rip-rap jetty 1,000 feet long extending south from Dunbar Point.

“The proposed work involves removal of approximately 90,000 to 100,000 cubic yards of clean sand from the 13-foot deep entrance channel, the 13-foot deep inner harbor turning basin and the 13-foot deep inner harbor channel areas. A recent hydrographic survey indicates that the controlling depths in these areas are, -8.4 feet, -8.2 feet and -7.6 feet, respectively,” said Project Manager Bill Kavanaugh, of the New England District, Programs/Project Management Division.Shoaling in these areas is primarily the result of Hurricane Sandy and subsequent nor’east storms. These shoals are creating hazardous conditions especially for the ferries that are based in the harbor. Maintenance dredging will return these areas to their authorized dimensions.”

Contingent on receiving approvals, work will be performed during the period June/July 2013 or October 2013/January 2014. Maintenance dredging will be performed by the Government-owned, special purpose dredge, “CURRITUCK,” or a similar type dredge. Dredged material will be placed at a previously used nearshore site located outside the harbor and adjacent to the breakwater. Use of the nearshore placement site keeps the clean sediment in the littoral system.

The work is being coordinated with: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; National Marine Fisheries Service; Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management; the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection; Massachusetts Historic Preservation Office; the Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources; the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe; the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah); and the town of Barnstable Department of Public Works and town Harbormaster.


Press Release, April 2, 2013