USA: GEI Evaluates California’s Kings River Levee System

Business & Finance

GEI Evaluates California’s Kings River Levee System

GEI Consultants, Inc., one of the nation’s leading geotechnical, environmental, water resources, and ecological science and engineering firms, has announced its participation in the Kings River Levee Evaluation Project near Fresno, Calif.

GEI will assess 140 miles of flood project levees with the goal of reducing flood risk in California’s southern central valley.

The Kings River is downstream of Pine Flat Dam, which is operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and provides flood protection to 200,000 acres of agricultural land in the Tulare Lake area. GEI will evaluate existing levees for compliance with current design standards and provide recommendations for levee sections that need improvement.

GEI assisted Kings River Conservation District (KRCD), the agency that maintains the levee system, with the initial scoping of the project, and with preparation of a Proposition 84 Local Levee Assistance Program grant application submitted to the California Department of Water Resources.

The project is expected to be complete in 2015.


Press Release, April 25, 2013