USA: Officials Seek Comments on Main Ditch 6 Levee Plan

Business & Finance

Officials Seek Comments on Main Ditch 6 Levee Plan

A draft environmental assessment for Public Law 84-99 levee rehabilitation construction at the Main Ditch 6 levee near Hamburg, Iowa is currently available for public review. Rehabilitation construction will consist of in-line repairs to bring the levee back to pre-flood conditions.

This draft EA is consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, the Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations for implementing NEPA (40 CFR 1500-1508), the Corps’ regulations for implementing NEPA (33 CFR 325 and Engineering Regulation 200-2-2), PL 84-99, and other applicable environmental laws and regulations.


The Main Ditch 6 levee protecting the city of Hamburg, Iowa came under major risk when the nearby L-575 levee breached west of town during the 2011 flood. Due to the breach and rising waters, the Main Ditch 6 levee was raised a total of eight feet to a final elevation of 919 feet mean sea level. The Main Ditch 6 emergency levee system was subjected to a sustained period of high water levels and several rounds of severe storms.

Damages were sustained to the entire levee cross section, closure structures, and all drainage structures. The levee system also experienced seepage.

As required by the PL 84-99 program, the city of Hamburg, in June 2013, began removing the temporary levee fortifications that were constructed during the flood. Once the temporary fortifications are removed, the Corps will begin repairing remaining drainage and closure structures, excavating ditch sedimentation, placing topsoil, and seeding. Repairs are expected to begin after September 2013. Following all construction, the levee system will be restored to pre-disaster conditions.


Press Release, September 2, 2013