Yaquina Bay Dredging About to Begin (USA)

Business & Finance

Yaquina Bay Dredging About to Begin

State Representative David Gomberg announced that the legislative Coastal Caucus has worked with the Governor’s office to secure emergency strategic funding for dredging in Yaquina Bay.

The Bay was previously scheduled to be cleaned and deepened by the Army Corp of Engineers. However, approaching winter weather means the project would be delayed due to the federal government shutdown. Since such important dredging cannot be delayed until Federal money again becomes available, infusion of state funding will allow work to go forward as scheduled.

We have limited funds and a limited time window to get this job done,” said Gomberg.

The Federal budget crisis slammed that window closed. But some really great work by the Coastal Caucus pried it back open. And that is important news. Without fall maintenance, industrial and recreational traffic will be at risk. I would especially like to thank my colleagues Sen. Kruse, Sen. Johnson, Sen. Roblan, and Sen. Devlin, along with the governor’s staff for supporting infrastructure on the Central Coast.”

The dredge Yaquina has just completed work on the Umpqua. Due to the federal shutdown it was scheduled to steam to the Columbia River and then into dry dock. The additional state funds mean the dredge can work on Yaquina Bay before it heads up the coast to Portland.

Dredging work on Yaquina Bay could begin as early as today.


Press Release, October 9, 2013