Ghana: GPHA Receives Seven Bids for Tema Port Expansion

Business & Finance

GPHA Receives Seven Bids for Tema Port Expansion

The Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority last week received seven valid bid offers for the proposed Expansion of Tema Port.

The GPHA International Competitive Tender began in March 2013 with calls for Expression of Interest. Fifty-three Internationally recognized entities and joint ventures expressed interest to tender for the expansion works.

After evaluation of the Expressions of Interest, the GPHA pre-qualified twenty-one bidders including two Ghanaian companies to proceed to the next stage. This stage involved the procurement of Tender Documents prepared by GPHA.

The Tender documents defined the general scope and concept of the proposed expansion of Tema Port and required each bidder to prepare:

– the detailed engineering designs with cost estimates,

– procure the necessary credit facility to fund the project and upon being successful,

– construct the works with GPHA as the borrower of the credit facility, (EPC and Finance Tender).

Phase 1 would provide the main basic port infrastructure – breakwater, dredging to adequate depths and quay wall foundation trenches. GPHA intends to develop at least 5 new berths under the phase 1 (2 for containers, 2 for multi-purpose and Ro-Ro and 1 dedicated to passenger and cruise vessels).

Phases 2, 3 and 4 will add up more container terminals and food / fruit terminals to the cluster. Phase 5 would target the oil rigs market along the West African coast.


Press Release, February 3, 2014