Chile: Bids Invited for Port Iquique Development

Business & Finance

Bids Invited for Port Iquique Development

In an event that gathered the main regional authorities, Angel Cabrera, president of Chilean port company Empresa Portuaria Iquique (EPI) -Iquique’s port authority-, and Alfredo Leiton, general manager, officially launched the Port Iquique Terminal 1 tender process.

This project includes important expansion works, such as the construction of a third berthing facility or the amplification of the current one, projects that require investments between 120 and 350 million dollars, which will allow Port Iquique to serve the upcoming generation of NewPanamax vessels, able to transport up to 12,000 TEUs.

The regional governmental representative Luz Ebensperger was also present, along with other local authorities, such as the mayor of Iquique Jorge Soria, the regional ministry secretary of transport and telecommunications Carlos Navarrete, the main chiefs of services linked to port operations –SAG, Customs and PDI- and representatives of operating companies.


Press Release, March 28, 2014