Port Everglades Report up for Comment

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, has announced the release of the Port Everglades Feasibility Study and Final Environmental Impact Statement for public, state and agency review and comments. 

The study and report will be available for review and comment during a 30-day period that starts today.

The release of this report is a significant milestone for Port Everglades and reflects the efforts of many people to successfully address complex issues and produce this quality report,” said the Jacksonville District Commander, Col. Alan Dodd.

The recommended plan, which was unanimously approved by the Corps’ Civil Works Review Board Feb. 27, includes deepening and widening the harbor. The configuration of the current Federal project dates back to the 1980s, making it difficult to accommodate today’s larger container and tanker vessels.

The recommended plan accommodates existing and future vessel movements, resolves navigation restriction problems, and presents opportunities for national economic development.

Since release of the draft feasibility study in June 2013, the Corps has continued consultation with state and federal agencies regarding the new endangered species coral listings, and refining the environmental mitigation and monitoring plans.

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