Swansea Bay Lagoon Receives Approval

Business & Finance

The building of a tidal lagoon in Swansea Bay has been given planning consent by the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. This is the first tidal lagoon project to be examined by the Planning Inspectorate.

But before the lagoon becomes a reality, it is still subject to Contract for Difference (CfD) negotiations to establish whether a tidal lagoon at Swansea Bay is affordable and value for money for consumers.

In making the decision, the Secretary of State noted that the proposed development would not significantly impact upon commercial and recreational navigation sailing to and from the port of Neath to the East of the proposed development.

The Secretary of State also noted that the Monkstone Cruising and Sailing Club was concerned about the possible impact on its activities. However, the Examining authority has, in response to RYA concerns on this issue specifically, proposed a requirement for the Order to ensure that dredging of the MCSC marina was considered by the applicant by way of a dredging mitigation and monitoring scheme.