Dyke Marsh Restoration Project Begins

Business & Finance

The National Park Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin small-scale geotechnical drilling at Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve.

This investigation is in preparation for a proposed interagency project to restore up to 100 acres of freshwater tidal marsh within the 485-acre Dyke Marsh.

According to the USACE, the drilling will occur between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. daily and is expected to last approximately one week, dependent on weather.

Geotechnical drilling is part of the project’s investigative process that will provide sediment samples from the marsh. The findings from sediment samples will help determine the stability and composition of the foundation for the proposed promontory and will help in the design of the project.

The restoration efforts are anticipated to begin summer 2017 and expected to take four years. The wetlands at Dyke Marsh will be restored using clean sandy material and planted with native wetland vegetation. The peninsula to the south of the marsh that had been previously removed will also be restored.