EPA to Host Meeting on Terry Creek Superfund Site

Business & Finance

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold a Public Availability Session on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at Brunswick Historic City Hall in Downtown Brunswick, Ga.

Representatives from EPA and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GA EPD) will be available to answer questions and discuss cleanup of Operable Unit 1 at the Terry Creek Superfund Site.

The Terry Creek Dredge Spoil Areas/Hercules Outfall site is located in Brunswick, Georgia. It includes the area where the Hercules Brunswick pesticide production facility discharged wastewater through an outfall ditch into Dupree Creek, which flows into Terry Creek, from 1948 to 1980.

The site also includes nearby areas used to store sediments dredged from Dupree Creek and Terry Creek. EPA proposed placing the site on the Superfund program’s National Priorities List in 1997 because of contaminated groundwater, soil, sediment and fish tissue.

EPA, the GA EPD and Hercules, Inc., the site’s potentially responsible party (PRP), have investigated site conditions and taken steps to clean up the site in order to protect people and the environment from contamination.

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