Pigeon Cove Breakwater Project Moves Forward

Business & Finance

The Town of Rockport’s project to repair and improve the upper Pigeon Cove stone breakwater and the harbor entrance breakwater has officially begun.

Work at the Upper Breakwater includes construction of an access road along the breakwater for resetting and replacing stone and base material at discrete damage sections along the structure.

The work also includes construction of a mid-slope berm on the ocean side of the breakwater to help dissipate wave energy at the base of the breakwater.

The Rockport’s coastal project, worth $4.5 million, is expected to extend over a 5 to 6 month period.

The Town has contracted with Classic Site Solutions, Inc. out of Framingham, Massachusetts to complete the work at Pigeon Cove Harbor.

This coastal protection scheme will address damage incurred to the structures during storm events in 2010 and 2013.

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